The Monster WithIn Me

I don't consider myself as the selfish type that boast. It's really not about what I have. It's quite the opposite actually. I seem to get caught up in what I don't have and where I lack instead. Still, it's all about me. Well, NO MORE. I believe, and therefore have to stand on the statement that "I hold something that the world desperately needs."(Lisa Bevere, Nurture) So I can't isolate and withdraw anymore. I can't live in past broken friendships and hurts. I get to make friends and live fully in the gifts and talents God has given me.
I wrote a rap about it. Haha. Envision this white girl spittin'. (That means rapping for those who are not down with ghetto lingo.) Here it goes. It's called:
The Monster WithIn Me.
Through the day into the night
I find myself alone
Isolated and withdrawn
Just me and my IPhone
I have no meaning or no call
No purpose to live out
My life in total chaos
My future full of doubt
But still in the distance
I hear His gentle sound
My Savior to the rescue
His grace, it did abound
With gentleness and love
He directed me to see
Selfishness has grown
Like a monster with in me
It's closed my eyes and made me blind
And tied my hands to serve
My heart cold and bitter
Right down to the very nerve
But no more I say
Freedom rush in
Truth stand Your ground
Overcome this sin
I will live fully
Seeing others first
Relationships created
In Heaven and on earth
My attitude of selfishness
Is rude and out the door
I will greet those around me
With respect and peace for sure
Here I am, an ambassador
Someone to represent
It's time to actually live it
God, I repent
Phil 2:3 Don't live selfish. Don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble thinking of others (more often) and as better than yourselves.