Whoa bro...tough words!

 So, here I am at camp with the youth from our church. Went to service in the chapel last night totally ready to get my Jesus on. And then it happen. The speaker drops a truth bomb that really made me think and kind of shook me. His  words were, “If  you are a worrier, then you’re acting as an atheist.”
 Well bro, ouch. Why does it hurt so bad? Probably because I was currently sitting there  with a daunting worry of my own. My thoughts and my concerns were consumed by this one task that I am truly afraid of.
 If anybody knows me, you know that I’m a control freak. I like to plan out a day and know what’s coming next so that I can prepare myself for whatever is to come. That’s pretty much the opposite of faith. God called us to truly trust Him and sit back and relax knowing that He has our back. It’s super hard for me to do. My insecurities jump out and my fear of looking like a fool or looking like a less than I am it’s flashing bright as an alert to me.
But today I  choose to believe in him. I choose to believe he loves me enough not to embarrass me or make me look stupid. I choose to believe that he will not give me a task that he cannot take care of. I choose to believe he’s got me and he wants the best for me .
 Philippians 4:6-7 says Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation with prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God and the peace that passes all understanding will guard your heart and your mind through Christ Jesus. 
 So God, you know my heart, you know my concerns, and you know my fears. But I know that you’re the God of love and the God of peace in the God of all. You got this.  I choose not to be an atheist.


  1. Dang Jasie! I love this!


  2. You just can’t know how much I needed this. Totally made me cry


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