Friends Forever..erly?!

   I just wanted to give a shout out to my friends today. I have some great friends. Some of my friends I haven't seen in way too long, but I love that our conversations pick up like we have never been apart. Some of my friends I have the joy of seeing more occasionally, and I love that we can share our laughter, our encouragement and our dance parties together. Either way, I have some great friends.
   At the moment, I have a lot of friends who are hurting. You should know I share your emotions with you. Even though I know I can not possibly feel what you are feeling, my heart hurts for you. And do know this... I won't stop praying till I see a change in your life. You have now entered my circle of prayer and I continue to not only pray this season to pass, but I will thank God for you and the times that you put me in your prayer circle.
  The fact is, we have all had our good times, but we have also seen or get ready cause you will see, a low. If your low was like mine, I felt I couldn't fight for myself. I felt I didn't have a prayer left. But thank God I had friends who did. They lifted me up and and shared their strength with me. Thank God for friends. Thank God for you.  
For my friends, and only for my friends, I wrote you a rap. Here it goes:

Friends Forever..erly?
I promise as I stand up tall
I'll be your friend through it all
No judgements here, No casting stones
I will not leave you alone

You could tell me that you pierced your nose
Or that you put your hair in rows
But it don't matter, I don't care
I will always still be here

Or maybe it's you've lost your love
You question if God's still above
Take your time, figure it out
But me and you friend-Don't ever doubt

See, even through time and spaces
Even when our lives change paces
Even when we are in different places
Don't get it twisted, cause truly the case is...

I love you unconditionally
I love you till eternity
I love you always faithfully
I love you friend, forever..erly?


  1. That really encouraged me. Thanks for being my friend for life. Who else ran an extension cord to a tent in the backyard so we could watch the new kids?


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