Am I a Pizza Box?

First of all, let me say....MAMA’S HOME! Ha! Man, I haven’t blogged in a minute! But God has been gently reminding me how therapuetic it is to me and how you just never know if someone else needs to hear your thoughts. If you know anything about me, you know to put on your seat belt because most of the things swimming around in my head are super random and/or straight out of some interesting situations and circumstances I find myself in.

This blog, however, comes from a current struggle of mine. I wonder if any others find themselves in the same cycle...

So lately I have just felt like I am emotionally and physically exhausted. I committed myself to a task that needed much attention and “care” (these are the nicest words I can say about it at this time), and it left me empty, frusterated, tired, and disappointed in myself. When I sat and evaluated my life, the things that I love about myself and the things that I feel make me happy were absent. I really had to stop and take a hard at my current state and what went wrong.

What I discovered was hard for me to accept.
First of all, I can’t always save the day. I can only lead as far as I’m allowed. Even leaders have to follow.
Second of all, you can’t give what you don’t have. If you don’t have happiness, kindness, energy, life, and Jesus in you, you can’t pour it out to others.

Weird how God orchastrates things, but my church spoke about the widow and the jars of olive oil from 2 Kings 4:1-7 on this Mother’s Day morning. I had heard the story, but never thought about the jars that she used and filled up. These jars had been sitting empty and unused. Was that me?

Our pastor did an incredible job of shedding new light on “containers” like the jars used for the oil. He likened it to other containers we might see in our world today... a pizza box. The pizza is disgusting and falling apart without the box. He had us imagine the pizza boy delivering our pizza in his hands without the box. The value of the pizza is dramatically decreased without the container or box.

Just like the pizza, I feel the kindness, love, hope, life, and light of Jesus I have to bring to people is devalued if myself as the container is not taken care of. I have to take care of myself in order to present a true depiction and value of the Jesus inside. And that is my number one goal in life; for people to know the loving, caring, comforting, peaceful, and good God I know.

So, needless to say, I had to make changes in my life. I have to take the time and energy on myself in order to become the filled jar God intends and expects me to be. He deserves it and others deserve it too.



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