Know Your Role

Fear. Such a small word but with huge consequences. If we are honest, we have all been held captive to fear at one time or another. Fear in tangled us like vines wrapped around us keeping us from moving, speaking or even thinking of anything other than the situation itself. Maybe you have fear over your future. Maybe it is finances. Maybe you are afraid of others perceptions of yourself. Whatever it is, this fear has trapped us and kept us from sharing God's true life of victory He has for us.
A verse that has been on my mind a lot lately:
Rev 12:11
And they defeated him (the devil) because of the blood of the Lamb and their testimony. And they were not afraid to die.
There has got to be a time when enough is enough. You get sick of watching those around you hurting and struggling. Your heart breaks for those who are broken. You just can't keep quiet any longer.
So here it testimony. Since I was young, I have always struggled with being too self conscious. I care too much about what others think about me. I have become a self-pleaser and my mood or attitude changes depending on if I have let someone down or have succeeded in their eyes. This not only creates chaos and confusion inside, but also chaos and confusion in the way I treat my self and things that I hold dear. So now I am on a journey of getting a new name and new description of myself. No I am not looking at what others think or need of me, but only what He thinks and sees in Me. There I can find someone who will be truthful and have my best interest at heart. He said it in John 14:6 I am the way, truth and the life. That's that I need;to live knowing what is for real and feel free doing it.


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