
Who Reaps What I Sow?

I was given such the privilege to meet an incredible woman of God this past weekend. I'm talking a divine meeting. God spoke so much to me through this woman as she shared her heart and vision. Her words spoke to my core and enlightened me greatly. One of the things that hit me hard was when she spoke about the "reap what you sow" method. She shared how she chose to put herself and her self-care behind the needs of others. For legit reasons, she chose the needs of her children and her widowed mother before making her scheduled health appointments. Soon after, she was hit with the difficult news that she had stage 4 breast cancer. I was shocked and saddened as she shared this with me and the other women present, but it was her next sentence that woke me up. She shared that now it was the same people that she chose to take care of before herself that was having to help her up the stairs and comfort her. In that moment I thought, "How selfish am I to not take care of m

My Secrets

OK, I'm gonna get straight to it. I was wondering why it doesn't really matter if people find out secrets about me these days. See, these secrets use to keep me in bondage. They use to paralyze me. I isolated myself and chose not to make a lot of close relationships in fear of what others may think of me. Thank God I don't live that way anymore. But when did the change happen? Where did my boldness and confidence come from? This is what I have come to the conclusion of: the people that I know and have confidence to have my back and support me outweighs those whom I fear may judge and hate. And this is a good place to be. It hasn't always been this way. But God has brought Mike and I to a safe place. A place where people don't judge. A place where God is truly first and people actually strive for more of Him. A family. A place where I know people would stand up and defend us if anyone tried to attack. A place where we can talk about those secrets that once help us ca

BLog-A-Thon Update: G&P Bakery

So I hear that one of the stops that the blog-a-thonners are heading to is G&P Bakery! Well, i can't let you go there without suggesting my personal favorite dessert there!! You have got to try the Orange Brownie. is the best by far! SO if she has some baked, get it! You won't be dissappointed! I like them so much that I wrote a rap about them. Ever been to the G&P Bakery? If not, you're missing out It's a must see. Why? Because they got an awesome orange brownie. Nothing like you ever had... Super tasty. So make your way on down to Grand Once you go you'll be a fan. You will not regret this plan. It's the best in the land.

My Blog-A-Thon Rap

If you haven't heard about the upcoming Blog-A-Thon here in Enid...WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING? I am super excited for this event!! So not only is there going to be non-stop blogging throughout the event, but many many giveaways (Reborn Artwear from Melodie Lunday and Sweet Nothing cupcakes) and stops (G&P Bakery and every donut shop in the city). This will be a great way for you to get out and visit Enid and what it has to offer! So mark your calendars for June 3rd and 4th! You will not regret it! Please visit for more info as well as places and goodies involved! My Blog-A-Thon Rap I am super excited for my good friend "E" And his blogging buddy His sidekick Benny It started with a dream And here we are today A mega big event Thats coming your way Now they are droppin' names Of business around Where you can go and spend your do' On goodies in E-Town Donuts from the whole city And other scrumscious bakes And don't you dare forget Those S

Time is Ticking

I need to work on time management. Can anyone else relate? God's kinda been hinting that I need to make some adjustments in this area for a couple reasons. First of all, it seems I am getting through things on damage control eventful moment after another. I seem to always be late places and always tired. More importantly, I know He has asked me to do somethings I have been so caught up in my own craziness that I haven't made his word, will and commands top priority. It's got to change. I remind myself that His will and plans are so much bigger than mine. I also remind myself that time is wrapping up and I've got to get on the ball with things...His things. James 4:13-15 Look here, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year, we will do business there and make a profit." How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog - it's there for a little while, then it

J-Sizzle on Forgiveness

When you hear the word forgiveness, what automatically goes through your mind? Do you see a person that has hurt you deep to the core? Maybe you were the one that did the hurting? If we are honest, we can all say that we have been on both ends of forgiveness. We have at one time forgave and at another time been the forgiven. If you are like me, there are times when you find yourself at a point where you need to forgive yourself. You know the saying..."We are our own worst critic." Do you find that true? I thought to myself, I am going to write down all the things I feel I need forgiveness from. Um...3 pages later, I decided I had a lot of things I was holding on to and needed to forgive myself for. No wonder I was exhausted; I was carrying huge amounts of guilt day in and day out. Psalm 103:3-4 He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies . Thank God I can let go of this stuff. Thank God He doesn't

The Monster WithIn Me

Hi. Meet my old friend the monster. His name is selfishness. He has been a friend for far too long. It's really time for him to go. It's amazing how big he has got in such a small amount of time. Yet he gets uglier by the day. I don't consider myself as the selfish type that boast. It's really not about what I have. It's quite the opposite actually. I seem to get caught up in what I don't have and where I lack instead. Still, it's all about me. Well, NO MORE. I believe, and therefore have to stand on the statement that "I hold something that the world desperately needs."(Lisa Bevere, Nurture) So I can't isolate and withdraw anymore. I can't live in past broken friendships and hurts. I get to make friends and live fully in the gifts and talents God has given me. I wrote a rap about it. Haha . Envision this white girl spittin '. (That means rapping for those who are not down with ghetto lingo.) Here it goes. It's called: The Monst