My Secrets

OK, I'm gonna get straight to it.
I was wondering why it doesn't really matter if people find out secrets about me these days. See, these secrets use to keep me in bondage. They use to paralyze me. I isolated myself and chose not to make a lot of close relationships in fear of what others may think of me. Thank God I don't live that way anymore. But when did the change happen? Where did my boldness and confidence come from?
This is what I have come to the conclusion of: the people that I know and have confidence to have my back and support me outweighs those whom I fear may judge and hate. And this is a good place to be.
It hasn't always been this way. But God has brought Mike and I to a safe place. A place where people don't judge. A place where God is truly first and people actually strive for more of Him. A family. A place where I know people would stand up and defend us if anyone tried to attack. A place where we can talk about those secrets that once help us captive. A place where we can take those secrets and use them to help others hurting just like we were.
See, God is so cool.
You say that you have secrets that are holding you back and isolating you. I extend this safe place to. It's not necessary a particular building or a room. But it is a friend to listen to you and hand to help. I'll be that to you and I know that I have a crew behind me ready to be that to you as well.


  1. I really like this and it's true!! I'm really starting to get what you're saying especially lately. Good stuff...


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