Time is Ticking

I need to work on time management. Can anyone else relate? God's kinda been hinting that I need to make some adjustments in this area for a couple reasons.
First of all, it seems I am getting through things on damage control mode...one eventful moment after another. I seem to always be late places and always tired.
More importantly, I know He has asked me to do somethings I have been so caught up in my own craziness that I haven't made his word, will and commands top priority.
It's got to change. I remind myself that His will and plans are so much bigger than mine. I also remind myself that time is wrapping up and I've got to get on the ball with things...His things.

James 4:13-15

Look here, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year, we will do business there and make a profit." How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog - it's there for a little while, then it's gone. What you ought to do is say, "If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that."

It's really all about God and what He wants. I will work on putting my agenda to the side and putting Him first.
Well you know me, I wrote a wrap about my time management issues. Enjoy.

There was a popular song

Why back in the day

It said Time was Ticking

Time is ticking away

DC Talk laid the track

But little did I know

How true it would be

As i watched the years flow

Now I see the many times

Opportunities fled by

Unattended and left dry

Laziness the reason why

I put myself first

Selfishness ran high

And I missed the very moments

To put God first in my life

So now this I know

God has called my name for sure

To listen and obey

And carry out His word

I can not rest no more

There is work to be done

People to love

And battles to be won


  1. that's really cool. time management is really hard to get together especially when things have been out of control for a while. i totally understand that. you should check out my last couple of blogs about almonds. it's actually about managing time, too

    oh and i really like your flow!! at some point in turned into the bon qui qui rap haha but it was awesome!


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