Let's Get Madea On It!

Ever watch the Madea plays or movies? I stinkin' love her. She goes from sarcastic to straight ghetto quick. I especially love it when something makes her mad enough that she has to pull out her hand held gun from her purse and fire a few rounds. I oddly just think it is funny.
I heard a quote recently that made me think of Madea and her shots fired. Beth Moore stated, "As long as you have sympathy for your addiction or negative behavior, you will not be able to give it up. You have to hate it!" I started thinking about this statement and I agree with it. It made me wonder if I felt a love connection or a emotional attachment to the very things I have been trying to give to God.
Romans 12:9 says, "Your love must be sincere. Hate what is evil and cling to what is good." Sin stands between us and God...between us and freedom. We have to do whatever it takes to hate sin and what is evil. We can't just push it aside for the moment. We need to get Madea on it and destroy it. Give it to God to put it to rest once and for all. Once that mountain is out of the way, we can move forward searching, seeking and clinging to that which is good an full of the life of Christ.


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