Invade Me.

This whole episode started because of a statement in the women's bible study today. Beth Moore stated, "We often feel the (family) chains never fall off of us because they're in us." Now personally, I feel you can interchange the word family with other chains you feel are holding you captive. Maybe you are dealing with drugs, alcohol, food, anger or insecurities. These are all things that are killing our insides (physically and spiritually). So first, I think we need to put the chains in its rightful place...outside of the body. We need to remember that only one thing should be occupying our insides. That is Jesus Christ. Once we get everything back in its rightful place, confusion is cleared up and we are able to get our focus back what is real.
When we let Christ occupy our insides, it is Christ who lives within us (Gal 2:20). Then we can move on to a truth that is gives me much hope! 2 Corinthians 3:17 "Now, the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!!!
God is telling me two things today...
~First of all, I want to occupy your entire insides. Please let Me. Secondly, when you let Me invade you, those chains will have no option but to disappear. They will not just fall off of you, but theywill break off of you. I will end generations of captivity and complacentcy. Then you will know I am God.~
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