Ouch...that hurt.

It's doesn't happen very often, but it does happen. It could be at the workplace, a friends house...or even at church. Someone cracks a joke or makes a comment about you that hits too close to home.
All the sudden every insecurity comes up. Questions come to the surface like, "Do you people really see me like that?" You thought you could trust people?! Many feeling soon follow. You suddenly feel ashamed, confused, sad and hurt.
Everyone has or will feel this at one time or another. And let me either agree with you or warn you...it sucks. Its no fun.
Good thing that God doesn't see you like man or the world sees you. Is that easy to accept in the moment of hurt? No. But it is reassurance that things won't always be this way. God has bigger plans for us. God has a better home for us where there will be no hurt words or actions of others. We will be whole and healed from all the world's junk.
I was recently hurt and wasn't sure what to do with it. All I know is I wanted to deal with it and process it instead of my past way of handling things; sweeping it under the carpet. I was really caught off guard and found myself asking these same questions with all my insecurities laid out bare. I had to first give those to God. Not just the insecurities, but also the pain that comes with them. Then, I had to get in His word to remind myself who I really was.
Song of Solomon 4:7 You are altogether beautiful, my darling;
there is no flaw in you.
1 Samuel 16:7b The Lord does not look at the same things people look at.
People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
I am so glad I have a husband, a family, friends and a God who really knows me and who really likes me. God is good. So good, I wrote a rap about it and this whole situation. (Be watching for the actual rap to be in Facebook soon...)
I don't know if it's cause the way
I come off strong and hard
Or maybe cause my faith in God
You may think I'm always on guard
But you should see me deep inside
My insecurities glow
And when you think You're being funny
I'm hurting, you should know
I guess I just don't understand
What makes you think it's cool
To go around and make a joke
You come out looking like a tool
But all in all, I'm the one
Left crying and ashamed
And all in all, you're the one
Still cowardly unnamed
I hope you get the point real clearn
Everything is not about you
Thank God I know who I am really am
And through you're crap, I can see through
God's word says I am beautiful
Heavely in His view
But that doesn't make life easy
Cause yeah, I hurt too.


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