The Monster WithIn Me

Hi. Meet my old friend the monster. His name is selfishness. He has been a friend for far too long. It's really time for him to go. It's amazing how big he has got in such a small amount of time. Yet he gets uglier by the day. I don't consider myself as the selfish type that boast. It's really not about what I have. It's quite the opposite actually. I seem to get caught up in what I don't have and where I lack instead. Still, it's all about me. Well, NO MORE. I believe, and therefore have to stand on the statement that "I hold something that the world desperately needs."(Lisa Bevere, Nurture) So I can't isolate and withdraw anymore. I can't live in past broken friendships and hurts. I get to make friends and live fully in the gifts and talents God has given me. I wrote a rap about it. Haha . Envision this white girl spittin '. (That means rapping for those who are not down with ghetto lingo.) Here it goes. It's called: The Monst...