
Showing posts from April, 2011

J-Sizzle on Forgiveness

When you hear the word forgiveness, what automatically goes through your mind? Do you see a person that has hurt you deep to the core? Maybe you were the one that did the hurting? If we are honest, we can all say that we have been on both ends of forgiveness. We have at one time forgave and at another time been the forgiven. If you are like me, there are times when you find yourself at a point where you need to forgive yourself. You know the saying..."We are our own worst critic." Do you find that true? I thought to myself, I am going to write down all the things I feel I need forgiveness from. Um...3 pages later, I decided I had a lot of things I was holding on to and needed to forgive myself for. No wonder I was exhausted; I was carrying huge amounts of guilt day in and day out. Psalm 103:3-4 He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies . Thank God I can let go of this stuff. Thank God He doesn't...